Interview Preparation Tips and Questions

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When applying for jobs or placements you will most certainly face at least some of these typical interview questions. To prepare for the actual interview situation it is well worth reading through our typical interview questions and prepare an answer for them. Preparation for interviews is crucial and will make or break your chances of getting a job. Below you will find a list of typical questions asked.
Just remember when you are answering the questions to be calm and relaxed. Think of it as an informal chat and they are just trying to get to know you. And you them.
You know you are the right candidate for them and now you just have to explain to the hiring managers why. Always use examples of why you master a skill and how you handled a certain situation.
Be polite, friendly, remember to smile, dress well and be clean. Have all the papers with you that might be needed! Also be on time and in fact come even 5-10 minutes early. It is not a bad thing to be early!
Now let's look at those interview questions. Also you can now discuss the questions by clicking on the links below.
Leave your answer and see how other people would answer the interview questions.
> Tell me a little bit about yourself.
> Why do you want this job? / Why are you applying for this job?
> Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?
> What's your ideal company like?
> What attracted you to this company?
> Why should we/our company hire you?
> What did you like least about your previous job?
> When were you most satisfied in your previous job?
> What can you do for us that other candidates can't?
> What were the responsibilities of your last position? / What were your responsibilities in your previous job?
> Why are you leaving your current job?
> What do you know about this industry you are applying to?
> What do you know about our company that you are applying to?
> Are you willing to relocate?
> Do you have any questions for me?
> What is your greatest accomplishment?
> What other companies are you interviewing with and/or applied to?
> What type of work environment do you prefer?
> What type of manager / management style do you prefer?
> What is your management style?
> How would your colleagues describe you?
> How would your teacher / professor describe you?
> How would your manager describe you?
> How would your friends describe you?
> What do you like to do outside work?
> What salary requirements would you have and why?
> Are you planning on having children at some point?
> What do you think our company could do better or differently?
> How has your education prepared you for your career?
> Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?
> If you could change one thing in your life, what one thing would you change and why?
> How would you improve our service / products if you had free hands?