Letter and Symbol Series Logic Test Questions and Answers

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Look carefully at the sequence of symbols to find the pattern. Select correct pattern.
Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option D
Explanation: Look for opposites in this series of figures. The first and second segments are opposites of each other. The same is true for the third and fourth segments.

Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option C
Explanation: All four segments use the same figures: two squares, one circle, and one triangle. In the first segment, the squares are on the outside of the circle and triangle. In the second segment, the squares are below the other two. In the third segment, the squares on are the inside. In the fourth segment, the squares are above the triangle and circle.

Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option C
Explanation: In this series, the shaded part inside the circle gets larger and then smaller.

Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option B
Explanation: Look at each segment. In the first segment, the arrows are both pointing to the right. In the second segment, the first arrow is up and the second is down. The third segment repeats the first segment. In the fourth segment, the arrows are up and then down. Because this is an alternating series,the two arrows pointing right will be repeated, so option b is the only possible choice.

Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option D
Explanation: This is an alternating series. The first and third segments are repeated. The second segment is simply upside down.