Logical Puzzles Questions and Answers
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Answer & Explanation:
Answer : G
Explanation :
Convert each letter to its numerical value, and read each pair of values as 2 digit numbers.
In each row, the number in the centre equals the difference between the 2 digit values on the left and right.
Answer & Explanation:
Answer : Y
Explanation :
Start in the top left hand corner and move anti clockwise around the perimeter of the square.
Letters are written in alphabetical order, skipping 1 letter, then 2 letters, then 3 etc.
Answer & Explanation:
Answer : AAnswer & Explanation:
Answer : E
Explanation :
In each row, the left hand grid is symmetrical around a vertical axis, the central grid is symmetrical about a horizontal axis, and the right hand grid is symmetrical about a diagonal axis, running bottom left to top right.