Numerical and Verbal Aptitude Test Advice

Home > Numerical and Verbal Aptitude Test Advice
What are Reasoning / Aptitude Tests?
Reasoning tests or aptitude tests as they are also called are tests designed to test the test takers abilities in certain areas like mathematical skills, verbal reasoning skills, logical reasoning, ability to interpret and read diagrams, graphs and tables etc.
Can I practice for these tests?
Yes you can. It is the same as in almost everything in life i.e. practice does make a huge difference. "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail" as the saying goes.
The simple truth is that these tests don't really measure always how smart you are but instead what level of knowledge you have achieved and can remember. Thus before taking tests it is always important to prepare yourself for the exam. Preparing includes understanding the terminology, remembering formulas, knowing and understanding rules in mathematics and grammar. Also by practicing in advance you familiarise yourself with the tests you are about to face and will thus not be afraid of them. You will be prepared.
But I am not clever enough!
To start with, yes you are. Although your IQ level does make a difference it is not the decisive factor. Preparation is the only factor that matters in the end. You can be as clever as they come but if you come to a test not prepared and arrogant you will increase your chances of failure. Someone who comes in prepared, knowing what kind of questions they might face and how to tackle these tests and is aware of timing will always have the advantage.
The more than 2 500 questions we have on this site (which is steadily growing) includes various kinds of mathematical questions, English verbal reasoning questions, huge amount of logical reasoning questions and a vast selection of Sudoku puzzles and other types of puzzles. By practising here you will improve your general reasoning skills.
How to take tests?
It is advisable to not have too many distractions around you when taking tests. This varies from person to person but in general it is better to concentrate on the test at hand. Also make sure you have jotting paper, pen/pencil and a calculator next to you. You will need these to make calculations quickly.
Thirdly, have a timer of some sort next to you so that you know at all times how much time you have left. Some tests you do get penalised for by not completing the test so working at a steady pace and knowing how much time you have per question is important.
Last thing to remember is to calm down and relax. This is not life and death. These are just tests. By practicing you will be better prepared. Now, which test should we start with?