Pie Charts Questions and Answers

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The following pie charts exhibit the distribution of the overseas tourist traffic from India. The two charts shows the tourist distribution by country and the age profiles of the tourists respectively.
What percentage of Indian tourists went to either USA or UK ?
Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option B
(40+10) = 50% (from first chart)

The ratio of the number of Indian tourists that went to USA to the number of Indian tourists who were below 30 years of age is ?
Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option B
40:15 = 8:3

The following pie chart give the information about the distribution of weight in the human body according to different kinds of components. Study the pie charts and answer the question.
What percentage of proteins of the human body is equivalent to the weight of its skin ?
Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option A
Total percentage = (10 / 24) x 100
= 41.6666667 %

How much of the human body is neither made of bones or skin ?
Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option D
20 + 10 = 30% is made up of either bones or skin.
Hence, 70% is made up of neither.

What is the ratio of the distribution of proteins in the muscles to that of the distribution of proteins in the bones ?
Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option D
It cannot be determined since the respective distributions are not known.

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